Monday, May 17, 2010

Alive to Live

My friend
All that ails and weakens
I'll take and throw away
But first
Forgive your thoughts
That have invited such discourse
There is always time to heal
Is a right turn 
Taken Immediately
Advantages from bowing out
Are instant
What binds you and burdens 
Your life
Is a facade
Built by the one who can take it down
You, yet sometimes
A mime needs to guide 
To show you how to make
Unconscious moves from tangles and blunders of the mind
Into smooth aqueous strides of saturated existence
All of life is yours
I'll show you
Some will say this is a miracle
How you have become clean
But we'll know it was
Just me showing you how
To be purely alive
Alive to live

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Just You

I ride up and down
In these moments
These tracks built
By someone else
My past engineered them
Everyone invited
Has laid a little more

Sunset skies can't save me
Your light words won't help
Just hug me now
Kiss my cheek
Save me from my ride

Its helped that you are here
Even though I push you away
I don't enjoy the shove
The quiet silence
Of our thoughts or of our minds

I don't want silence so I can think
I want it so I will stop
Because in my silence
The ride loses momentum
So I can stand with you
With no floods of emotion
Just dry air

I will beg for the winds to blow
To take with it
All that takes me away from you


Today is a new day
The sun convinced me to say
Today will be a long day
My madness reminded me of today
But with you
I will not fear
To ride this day alone